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April 20, 2016
Have you heard of a little thing called the TPP? If you are in the outerwear space and this term is new to you, I encourage you to Google it now.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a political trade agreement that was recently signed by twelve countries, some of which are big product players, like the U.S., Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, and more.
It’s a hefty deal too much to go through in one email, for sure.
But when it comes to the clothing business, the TPP shouts one message to brands of suppliers loud and clear: You better get ready to compete.
When (if) the deal goes into full effect, trade barriers between all 12 countries will be greatly loosened, giving bigger companies the opportunity to make bigger profits.
This could be good news or bad news for companies looking for substantial profit growth in 2016. Either way you look at it, the TPP is almost a mandate to all products out there to build a stronger, better product or get the heck out of the game. That’s why we’ve been researching what strategies and techniques every outerwear company needs to make the most of the TPP and attract more customers in 2016.
We’ve put our findings together into a special report titled Four Things You Need to Know About DWR and we want to offer that report to you right now for free.
In this report, we share the most recent consumer trend data on outerwear and the kind of technology and innovation customers are looking for from their outerwear. We want you to rise with the TPP, not fall. That’s why we encourage you to read the report.